
Who’s That Dog?

I come here every year; I really like Preview Berlin and its atmosphere. It’s a good way to get to know new art, new artists, new people, new perceptions,Prada, a massive great dane, lies on her cushion in front of the stand of her owners, Swiss gallerists Widmer+Theodoridis. Art fair goers, touched and curious, constantly try to call her attention and stroke her. So who is this massive creature? She is a veteran of Preview Berlin Art Fair – a mascot of sorts – and she just happens to be placed near the backdoor, making her appear to be some sort of guard dog that could potentially turn on you at any second! Preview Berlin at Tempelhof Airport closes today, so make sure to visit Prada before leaving the art fair.

I used to lie on a carpet in the middle of the stand, between art –is it there any other better place to be?- but today I wanted a little more privacy. Some people use to think that I was also part of the exhibition, but being a performance artist is not actually my dream, I rather help with the management of the gallery” Other gallerists point her as the pet of the fair, an essential presence in this annual event.

Now she leaves, she has a date with the security guard at the back door. Sometimes they disappear together to take a stroll along the amazing parkof Tempelhof, with the most romantic and beautiful sunset of the city. “Yes, this is my idea of a perfect weekend-afternoon… I just have to becareful not to eat that cake-like artwork down the aisle!

Today is your last chance to catch Prada and the art action at Preview Berlin Art Fair! See you there, Artparasites! 

Report by Anabel Acuna

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