
Watch Your Step!

In my recent search for some contemporary heart I was fortunate to stumble upon the Austrian artist Zenita Komad, currently displaying her work on the walls of Bourouina Gallery in Berlin. The title of her exhibition “A New Vision Exists” made me wonder what tone this statement was delivered in. Perhaps she forgot to add an exclamation point, I thought, as it sounds like the words of an explorer at the brink of any discovery worth sharing. Or perhaps it was intended as a whisper: the quiet sharing of a little secret. But maybe it was simply a personal sticky-note reminder, the type we keep glued to the wall so that we’re constantly reminded of the importance of its content. Either way, being a discovery enthusiast and keeper of secrets myself, I had to go take a closer look.

Three Roads Diverged In An Art Gallery And I…

As soon as I set foot inside Bourouina gallery, the diverse format of the displayed works turned the space into a bifurcated path: a grid of framed collages to the right, an installation hanging from the ceiling straight ahead, and a painting (or was it a sculpture?) on the left. Aesthetic overload on all fronts – just the type of feeling I look forward to every time I open the door of an art gallery. After not knowing where exactly to begin, I looked at the program and saw that the painting (or was it a sculpture?) on the left was titled “Schlüsselbild Aleph.” Taking this as a sign, along with the fact that it was a gigantic metal key penetrating the center of a painting, I decided to start there. The path that would take me through “Zenita universe” had begun.

bourouina-gallery-6Zenita Komad’s “Schlüsselbild Aleph” at Bourouina Gallery in Berlin. Photo: Chris Phillips


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