Top 5 Graffiti Spots in Berlin

Berlin is known as not only one of the most green European cities, but also one of the most colorful cities in the world. Having been taken over by urban art in the most obvious of places (think: the commissioned urban art along the S7 S-Bahn line between Tiergarten and Savignyplatz), there is also urban art waiting to be discovered in more unusual places, such as abandoned hospitals or Nazi prisons. Here is our list of the Top 5 Graffiti Art Spots in Berlin—some are the more known spots and others we just plain love:

5 – Kunsthaus TachelesAdorned with huge walls filled with graffiti and color, this former Nazi Prison was occupied by artists and turned into an art center. The building will probably be demolished soon, so there is not much time left to plan a visit. Go before it’s too late! Or find out how to get involved to save this artful place that has come to define the heart of Berlin.

4 – East Side GalleryEast side – what up? This East Side Gallery is not only a place to learn a bit more about Berlin's history and the Berlin Wall in particular – which was indeed a place of shame, but it’s now something that Berlin can be proud about too. Considered the largest open air gallery in the world (more than 1km-long!), it celebrates freedom with the work from artists from all over the world.

3 – Neukolln’s KinderkrankenhausClimb the fences and find yourself lost in a haunted building. It used to be a children’s hospital, but now the place is taken over by urban art. Just a warning: Go visit the place at your own risk – you may encounter some sketchy people! But you will definitely be amazed by the artwork haunting this building. You can find our story about the place here.

2 –  Grünthaler Strasse: This hidden urban spot is close to the S-Bahn station Bornholmer Strasse, which is a historic site that also marks the route of the Berlin Wall dividing East and West Berlin. Near the small green area, between the S-Bahn station and Grünthalerstrasse, you can find tunnels and bridges adorned with graffiti writing and street art to make you think a little bit. A nice escape from Prenzlauerberg. While you are there why not check out Kugelbahn, which made our Top 5 Bars and Cafes with Art!

1 – Schlesisches Tor: This area of East Berlin is filled with urban artwork happening sometimes right before your eyes. Check out the buildings close to the U-Bahn station, but our favorite is another abandoned building where we've witnessed art wars between street artists and longstanding Berlin graffiti artists who are watchful and make sure no one will cover their tags! 

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