
The Relationship of an Empath

Artwork by Danielle Dalechek

Like salt and sugar
Star crossed lovers

When I’m down
You’re up

When I’m free
You’re stuck

When it works, it’s amazing
Burning hotter than fire

When it doesn’t it doesn’t
The whole universe conspires

To either make us amazing
And make us aligned

Or make us keep secrets
Plot plan scheme design

A life for ourselves
With pleasure the core

My thoughts a merry go round
Do I love you less? Or more?

Fuck you
Fuck this
Says my mouth and my head

My heart whispers
I miss you
Come back to my bed

Thoughts of our future and babies not born
Now I look in the mirror and my own self I scorn

Why oh why did I fall for your lies
But I know why I did
I saw love in your eyes

In those moments tween kisses
Morning cuddles caresses
It’s not all pulling down jeans
And ripping off dresses

It’s watching blue planet
Knowing what you’ll say next
Listening to your dreams while
Lying on your chest

Terrified of yourself of love of commitment
You call yourself ‘broken’
And expect me to fix it

I’m not your answer
I’m not your ex-lovers
I’m not your past pain
I’m not your mother

Who is conditioned to think I’m here just to serve you
Will never be happy
And that much is true

Rip yourself apart
Struggle with addiction
Dance with your demons
You lust for affliction

A healer I am
My energy maternal
I want to take care of others
And see them returning

To who they once were
And who they can be
Before pain before heartbreak
Just love yourself free

I want you to heal
But you must want it too
Until you love yourself
I just can’t help you.

Poem by Marianne Foody

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