
Nothing Lasts Forever And Here’s Why That’s The Best Part About Life:

Painting by Hsin-Yao Tseng


Selling the impossible idea is a trend on rise
Its arrest is highly anticipated
Locked away in a safe place ‘forever’
We refuse to part ways with it
The friend who betrayed
The job that reaped no benefits
The lover who cheated
The holiday that ended on a bitter note
The mentor you never had
Eyes wide open yet completely blinded
Enslaved and victimised by choices and sense of attachment
Attaching happiness with everything/ everyone that’s replaceable
Myopia so deep rooted we fail to see the stars shining on the other side
Strange how we all feel the monotony it brings
But to accept its mediocrity doesn’t come easy
Allowing it to sit there and watch it slowly decay
We lament
We mourn
We seek sympathy
We resist change
Memories taking us back to the paths we weren’t meant to go down
Afterall that only makes us human
The virtue lies in its acceptance
The expedition called life
It’s essence can never be contained
Remember that sleepless night consumed by the most unforgettable conversation?
The art of enjoying food after getting rid of anxiety and depression?
The joy of discovering oneself during a solo trip?
Getting acquainted with positivity after having dealt with darkness for years?
Those lost roads are nothing but passages leading to self discovery
Henceforth, let’s count it as a blessing
We are what we truly make of it
The gloomy side of that choice always seems enticing
But the decision to never look back is nothing short of brave
Because the light at the end of the tunnel is real
We have to let go and let it seize us
Life is a framework of varied elements
A unique composition for every single being
The secret lies in absorbing all its shades and phases
Moving along and evolving periodically
Every experience is a precursor to the next adventure
Let’s not forget
We are all travellers.

Written by Ambreena Khan

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