
Living With The Powerful Memories Of Love After A BreakUp

Artwork by Tran Nguyen

I never thought
Those days would end
Where I would fall asleep on the sofa
With the TV still on
Our dinner dishes still on the floor,
And you would walk me to bed
Help me brush my teeth
Make me take out my contact lenses
Brush my hair from my face
Dim lights
Sea breeze coming in through the door
Conversations we had and I would say
Over again
That closed doors make me anxious
I need fresh air to sleep
Even in my most vulnerable state
You would make me feel comfortable
And I would sleep soundly
Knowing every thing around me is under your control
I was safe
I was where I needed to be
I was where I wanted to be
And now I’m lying in bed alone
Wishing I had never crossed your trust
Wishing I had never made you cry
Wishing I had never destroyed what we could have been
Wishing I had never thought the grass was greener
On the other side
Because it isn’t
And I can’t go back now. Not now. Not ever.

Submitted to ArtParasites by Zoe Gibson

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