
How to deal with your emotions in a wisebird-style

Illustration by Katie Scott


Second Act: A voyage to solitude, The inner dialogue

Third Act: The spring feelings, a dancing lesson about life enjoyment

Forth Act: How to deal with your emotions in a wisebird-style

The next day, they meet and talk again. This time, the conversation turns to emotions.

— Mr Wisebird, is there such a thing like feeling too much? Loving too much?
— No.
— Is there a point that we reach when we should say: I loved enough?
— What is too much for them, could be too little for you. It is a matter of compatibility. You should just look for someone that can appreciate this. Wisebirds appreciate this.

(Wink back)

— You know what I dislike the most? When people try to manipulate my emotions. I spot this attempt immediately. Or when they try to avoid direct confrontation with my feelings. Is this avoidant behavior necessary?

— If they run away from their own feelings, why do you think they would approach yours?


— But what they don’t know is that when they step on someone’s heart, they also step on theirs.
— I have such a sensitive nature, I can transpose myself in their hearts and understand how they feel and then I end up with two emotional points of views of a situation. Torn apart and stuck. It’s good for art, but it’s not good for my heart.


— Here, you have a little poem.
— It’s within your nature to be like this. But what you sometimes see as a curse, you could also see as a gift. And it’s good that you invest all this emotional energy into art. You direct it outwards and it’s constructive, instead of directing it inwards in a destructive manner. It’s good. You are in harmony with your way of being.
— There are so many people who run away from their true way of being.

(She stops for a while and then goes on)

— I’ve been to a party last night. And I felt like a spy among them, looking at them and wondering how their lifes are. How they seem to be busy all the time. For a second I felt guilty for not doing anything in the past three days.


— Except for thinking all the time. But then I started wondering how many of them did something meaningful in the past three days. How they seem to be running on a tight schedule: work time, party time, running all the time, as if they are trying to forget something. As if they keep postponing asking themselves what life is about. And then I look around and wondered whom I could talk about what is really important.
— Did you find any wisebird?


— Yes, there was one undercover.

(Smiles as well)

— And I don’t why, but I remembered all the wisebirds that I met. How some got away from my life, how some remained. How some of them turned into strangers until I couldn’t recognize them anymore. As if you look at a picture with someone and wonder if it is the same person that you loved. And what made them change towards you, which fear or what great wound from the past hindered them to deepen the relationship and pulled them away from you to another life, that seems so strange and different and has nothing to do with you anymore? And then I remembered my dearest wisebird, the one who changed me forever, the one I think about so often. There are encounters in life, which have this electric quality, they transform you forever. And even if I suffered -it’s unavoidable – if I were to live it again, I would live it exactly as it was. It was beautiful. I never wanted to change the past.

"Moonlight" - Painting by Christian Schloe

“Moonlight” – Painting by Christian Schloe

— Yes, I sometimes tell people: the past is your biggest teacher and it is called the past because it is not coming back. But what you could do is to apply what you learned in the future.
— Not in the future, in the present. The only thing that is truly graspable is the present.
— You are turning wise yourself. I’m impressed!
— Thanks, Mr Wisebird. I’ll take it as a compliment from such an exquisite bird like you.
— You’re welcome.

(They go on exchanging compliments)

— Oh thanks, Mr Wisebird. It’s very kind of you! I am glad you encourage me, you know, I don’t react well to criticism.
— Who would?
— Yes, true. I always try to encourage people and make them see the bright side of a situation. What’s the use of putting barriers in front of their dreams? A kind word will cost me nothing.
— But did you notice there are people who expect to be treated badly. They put themselves unconsciously in a situation out of which nothing good can come out.
— The masochists!

— But just a little awareness of self-worth and self respect could works wonders.
— Yes, I think self awareness should be at the base of all human interactions. Because only if you are aware of your true potential, the good and the bad you are capable of, then you can control it. Otherwise, you just blame everything on the others.
— Mr Wisebird, did you notice that the more intelligent a person is, the more refined the cruelty that person is capable of?
— This is why I appreciate kindness as the greatest virtue. Human nature is like this: we are capable of both good and bad, but we are granted the power to choose.
— Kindness is choice.
— Wisdom is a choice.
— Love is a choice.

(They go on with this choice game and start talking faster and faster, until their voices melt into an undefined sound. At some point they stop and lay next to each other, catching their breaths.)

— Choosing something is tiring. This is why most of the people just go with the flow.

(They laugh)

— No reward without a little effort.
— The promised paradise.

(They laugh again)

— Self awareness is a safe ground that we could built on. Otherwise, our construction might crack.
— Yes, I agree. But let people build what they want, if it cracks, they will start building again. That’s it. When you realize you’ve been doing something wrong or that life hit you, you lay on the ground a little bit, but then you dust yourself off, you get up and start walking again. That’s life.

(They remain silent for a while. All of a sudden, he says:)

— You said two nights ago that you would tell me about that invitation you received at the polyamorous community.

(Flirty look)

— I did?


— Next time.
— But until next time, do you mind if I kiss you now? There is something about wisebirds you might not be aware of: they are impatient.

(Flirty look again)


You can also read the first three acts bellow:


Second Act: A voyage to solitude, The inner dialogue

Third Act: The spring feelings, a dancing lesson about life enjoyment

Laura Livia Grigore is a poet, painter and psychology enthusiast, with a background in space engineering. She likes to experiment with various mediums and types of writing. Her artwork is orientated on emotions, reflecting her opinion that most of the answers we need can be found inside ourselves, although the hardest thing to do is to be sincere with oneself. You can purchase her book here

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