
Do You Love Yourself? 6 How-tos from hollywood

Illustration by Apollonia Saintclair

Do you do it in the open or in the privacy of your single bed? Is it a time when you think about that special someone, or are you concentrated on the sensuality of your own skin?

While we can’t all be casanovas, instantly sending any lover into states of sheer ecstasy, there is at least one person in the world we all know well enough to do right by: ourselves.

No one knows better than you, but here are some insights from hollywood on self love.


Hurry Sundown

Although Michael Cain trades in his signature cockney accent for a southern drawl, he really says it all when he tells Jane Fonda, “Some things are best left to the experts.”




In the mainstream 2002 S&M flick, James Spader shows us that mundane things like peas and potatoes can be enough to get a girl off when used in just the right way.


L’Après-midi d’un Faune

In the Debussy-tuned ballet, a faun finds himself enamored of a nymph who leaves him with nothing more than a scarf and his imagination – which is O.K. because sometimes our imaginations are far more satisfying than reality.


American Beauty

For Kevin Spacey masturbation is an escape from his suburban reality to a place of beauty and desire. But I guess more privacy would have been ideal in this situation.


Basketball Diaries

While it can often be about fantasies, sometimes it’s just about enjoying the moment and appreciation yourself. As Leonardo DiCaprio says, “Time sure flies when you are young and jerking off.”



And as Pedro Almodóvar shows us, sometimes it isn’t pretty so much as pretty strange.

Angela Waters is an American jazz singer-turned-journalist, who is always curious about how to do things herself, from making the perfect Sidecar to carpentry.

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