
Chantal Ridings: Being Featured On ArtParasites Helped Me Start Selling My Art

Chantal Ridings

I was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, and now live in Saint Albans, a beautiful little city just outside London. My childhood was not an easy one – I went to no less than 13 schools – but I like to think the hardships I faced back then helped shape the tough-as-nails survivor and growing artist I am today. If I think about the art that inspires me, it’s often the weird, explicit, and emotionally evocative pieces that catch my eye.


About a year ago, I went through a very difficult period that tested me immensely. At my lowest point I created a textile piece which explained exactly how I felt about a certain relationship at that time, and how my life felt like it was slowly slipping away. A friend of mine saw the piece on Facebook and recommended I share it with Berlin ArtParasites. The thing that struck me the most about the AP page was the poignant messages and quotes they would attach to the artwork – as if they knew exactly what that artist was feeling at the time of creating the work. So I found myself emailing AP pictures of two textile pieces I had created, with a very brief description of what they meant to me. Two weeks later they shared them on their Facebook page with this touching quote by Martin Edwards:

chantal ridings

“There are two types of people, those who live and those who don’t. I’d wrap you in silk if I thought it would keep you safe but I know the only way to live is to love so much it aches. Love everything, love the hurt that loving can leave. To ache is to be alive. I remember you saying that, just before you left.”


At the time I only had about 150 followers on my Facebook page, but after AP shared my work, it jumped to 400, then 600, then 1.300 followers and it kept growing further and getting me more and more commissions! I was, and still am, so grateful that AP *got* me, and that they thought my work was worth sharing. I also had my art showcased at Nuffield Gallery.


The feedback I received was great for my creative confidence. I received several commissions, sold so many copies of my work on my Artfinder page, and continue to do so.

Thank you Berlin ArtParasites! Don’t stop inspiring us.

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