
Celebrate Berlin Urban Art – Indoors!

For the first time ever, Skalitzers Contemporary Art show their whole array of artists. And as if this wasn’t news enough, they also moved to a thrilling new location: A360sqm space at the former Railway Workshops on Revaler Strasse. Got excited? You should! ‘Cause which spot could be better suited for a gallery that exhibits only artists who learned their craft  in the streets, who tag walls, paint canvases in the gallery space itself and don’t believe in the mainstream art school training?

Tags? Like graffiti? NO! Tags like art. Gallery owner Kelly Reiffer makes her point very clear: “We don’t call them graffiti artists. We just call them artists. Sometimes, in the street they are doing graffiti, sometimes they are doing street art, sometimes they are doing installations. But once they come inside the studio or the gallery, they are just artists. It frustrates me when people say that they show street art or graffiti. What these artists do is contemporary art, just like every other artist – they just have a different inspiration.” 

Danny Gretscher
Artist Danny Gretscher displays these three little fellows at Skalitzers Contemporary Art

If you aren’t familiar with Skalitzers artists, this exhibit gives you a very good overview of their works. And if you are familiar with Skalitzers, you now have the chance to see the gallery’s permanent collection for the first time ever, but act quick: This exhibition is closing this weekend on Saturday September 29th!

Article written by Adele Barnau

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